I completely give up, I tell you


Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
I give up. I bought myself a little guy named Pinky for my office desk. I gave him 10% water changes everyday, fed him 2 pellets twice a day, even moved him into an office with a bit of sunlight at the end of every evening so he wouldn't sit in complete darkness for 16 hours.

He was doing well. We would play little games during the day, and he looked great.

I came in Monday to find him dead.

I also lost all 3 of my bettas I "rescued" from Walmart on the weekend too. I have no idea what gives.

I am not buying any more bettas for a while. I just kill them. I am a murderer without evening intending to be.

Thanks for reading. Hug your bettas while you still have the chance, and never, ever let me fish sit.
Did he look bloated as they need a varied diet of frozen foods and veg in there diet.
Oh c'mon now. Maybe it's nothing you did, maybe it's just where they were coming from. They were probably ancient already or something.

Want a lil juvie,hmmmmmm? I'll be glad to send you one. Although mine would demand more than four pellets a day, they would stare you down and say "pffft,ya kidding me?! That's just stuck in my teeth,gimme food....foooooood!" :p

Seriously though, chipper up and write it off as a learning experience. Sorry for your losses though :/
Sweetheart it IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! I know that you are feeling like a fish murderer but YOU ARE NOT!!! There could be many, many reasons why they died over the weekend that had nothing to do with you. First off, they were from WM so they probably weren't in the best shape to begin with. They could have older, and in not such great physical condition, the cleaners could have sprayed something around that got into their tanks (that would be my best guess since they all died during the weekend) Whatever you do try not to blame yourself because IMO this was nothing you did. Big hugs to you....BTW I would let you fish sit for me anytime :D
Tangerinefizz said:
Hug your bettas while you still have the chance, and never, ever let me fish sit.

If you are hugging your bettas regularly, perhaps that is the reason they are dying on you. :whistle:
jaimoe said:
Tangerinefizz said:
Hug your bettas while you still have the chance, and never, ever let me fish sit.

If you are hugging your bettas regularly, perhaps that is the reason they are dying on you. :whistle:
:lol: :lol: :( :lol:
I feel like that sometimes too. Its just how delicate fish are, and how much crap they put up with sometimes they just die. It's nothing you did, sometimes it happens.
A few questions and possible answers...

What size tank was the fish in?
The common size to keep them happy is 1 gallon. The ammonia doesn't build up quite so quickly, and gives them room to explore and stay happier.

Anything smaller requires that you change the water 100% almost daily. And changing the water too often can sometimes stress them out.

Why were you changing water everyday?
Changing water everyday on a grown fish isn't neccessary, and it can also stress a newly acquired fish out some. Best to let them get accustomed to their new surroundings for a few days before swishing them around.

Also, just changing 10% of the water, on any schedule, isn't going to remove the ammonia. Anything smaller then a 5 gallon needs 100% changes imho. With a 1 gallon you can get away with changing them every 4 days @ 100%.

Were you using a water dechlorinator w/heavy metal remover? And if you were how much?
If you weren't, this could most definately be your problem.
If you were, did the brand you used remove ammonia and hard metals?
Hard metals are just as dangerous as ammonia in some instances.

Did you have a thermometer and/or lid on the tank?
If you had a thermometer, what was the water temp?
Some bettas don't like being in water colder then 70 degrees. If the water was colder then that it could have had adverse effects on the fish, especially if it wasn't use to it. I know the fish at Walmart are usually at 74-78 degrees, due to the temp in the stores and being kept where drafts cannot have direct access to them (i.e. inside the water change stalls or inside a shelf).

If your tank had no lid, and you have an over head air vent in the office..the air conditioning, when blowing, can make the air above the surface much colder then the water temp. This can also have adverse effects on a betta, since they come up often to breathe air from the surface. It can also keep your water at much colder temps while it is on, and the temp variations can be tough on some fish.


Also, you might want to feed them more then only 4 pellets a day (unless you see that they do not eat the pellets, a moldy pellet on the tank floor = certain sickness).

I feed mine a min. of 4 pellets 2 times a day...mixing in some frozen blood worms several times a week, plus a cooked pea once a week, and they fast for 1 day as well.


These are just suggestions, not accusations. Please don't take them as such.

Just evaluate them according to your situation and factor them in. Any combination can result in a bad experience.

Don't give up, and don't feel bad. Keeping fish isn't easy and takes practice...and you can't get better by quitting. :)

**edited** so maybe it is easier to read..looked hard once I posted it lol.
I'm so sorry to hear about Pinky. I know how you feel, though; at the start of the summer I lost my little guy too, and I was just devastated. I had him for two weeks, and he was fine one day, then gone the next. But as Wuv said, it can often be where they come from and how old they are when we get them that makes the difference, not anything we did or didn't do.

That said, run through that checklist SRC posted; you might also just find the answer you're looking for in there. I really hope that, even if you have to take a break from bettas for a bit (my 'vacation' lasted all of two months before I gave in and got some more!) you eventually decide to come back to them; IMO they're more than worth it :)

You know, since she's offering, you might want to take a look at what Wuv's got- those beebees ain't too shabby at all :whistle: ;)

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