i cant have a betta

I haven't noticed bettas having a problem with internal filters, or current for that matter. Mine tend to ride the current, actually.
u can add some floating plants to break up the current a bit too to give the betta a calm place to get air.......if there is even a problem with the current in the first place :D
VERY strong currents can tear your betta's fins. If the tank is big, then your betta can swim on the other side of the tank. Fish aren't that stupid! If they don't like one side, they'll go to the other.
My bettas have always gotten the hang of it really quickly, and seem to enjoy being in the tank with the filter. They all occassionally "ride" the current, and when they need a break, they find a corner where it's not as choppy. :fish:
my Betta loves the challenge the filter gives, and seems a big angry at me now that i've adding plants to break the current a bit. most Bettas learn and deal with the current, so don't worry. just watch that his fins don't get sucked up!
I noticed today one of my whisper filters has a lower output than my other one even though they are at the same setting. I moved it up to the next setting and put a plant directly under the flow to help break it up a bit. Good thing I had an extra plant lol :p
All of my bettas have filtered tanks and they love to play arounf with the current!!!
Probably really good excercise for them as well!!!!! :thumbs:
thanks, u know the internal power filters!?

how high off the water surface should the outlet be though?

mines just above slightly so that u see bubbles in the tank, is this right?
My betta actually lets himself get suctioned to the filter. It's not a very strong filter so he can get away very easily. I was so scared the first time he did it. I went in there with the net and before I even got near him he'd detached himself and come up for food. The next time he did it I was still a bit scared, but I did the net thing again and he swam right away from it. He also likes to ride the small current the filter lets out. His fins never get sucked into the filter, he just sticks his body to the side for a nice little massage. He also swims in the leaves under the filter so they move as he goes through them. It's so funny!
how high off the water surface should the outlet be though?

On the whisper filters I have the water level should be below the lip of the filter. The instructions that came w/your filter should say what level the water should be kept at.

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