I Can't Get My Gsp To Eat!


New Member
Jun 7, 2011
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I have a 10 gal brackish tank with 2 gsp a little over 1 inch long and I've had them for several months now. I am almost done cycling a 90 gal to put them in. Both have always eaten frozen blood worms very well. About a week ago one of them died. They have always gotten along great and there was no evidence of foul play on either. Water tested elevated ammonia. I did a water change and began feeding the one left every other day instead of everyday per LFS clerk's advice. Ammonia has gone down and water test is good. Now my puffer refuses to eat anything. I've tried blood worms, brine shrimp, crab, and mixed sea food. He will eat snails but my snail population can't keep up with his appetite and I don't know if it is ok for him to live on just snails. Any advice on what to try next would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, are the blood worms you're trying him with live? Personally I'd keep up with the water changes [not easy or cheap in a brackish tank] and try him with live food!
Although it sounds like it was water quality that got to your other one, have you ever wormed them? Puffers are a nightmare for internal parasites and I worm my new fish when I get them in.

Lisa x
Sorry haven't been on here or a while.... I use this.........


Lisa x
That Kusuri wormer was exactly what I was going to suggest :good: brilliant stuff...

I am fighting to get two puffers eating at the moment, 1 Mbu and 1 Irrubesco but the guys been looking after them have tried live earthworms, bloodworms and shrimps along with the cockle, muscle and chopped up whitebait.

For some reason people are convinced that feeding prawns to puffers gets them addicted and they will die... its absolutely rubbish... these puffers havent eaten more than the odd worm in weeks if not months! They are so emaciated they just dont feel like eating any more...

I trimmed their teeth the day before yesterday as they were in an awful state due to not eating and offered them both some defrosted prawn and they both ate a mouthfull!! Yesterday the Mbu ate a whole prawn and had a little pot belly, the Irrubeso had a good go too!

Prawn is always a good way to get puffers eating, its easier to wean a fat healthy puffer on to other foods than it is to get a skinny unhappy puffer to eat something it has to work hard for in the first place.
Ok thanks! I didn't know about that! Just when you think you got something pretty well figured out lol. So glad I know now! what kind of puffer do you have? Mine is a GSP, I have a pic of him on the FOTM for this month if you haven't seen it that is lol
have you tried an earthworm, not many puffers will refuse a worm.

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