I can't find khulis


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Hi all, I have been looking for kuhli loaches for almost 9 months and it's getting pretty frustrating to say the least. I only want two or three to keep the sand stirred in my discus tank. I was wondering if anyone that has access to them at their fish store and is equipped to ship? I am going crazy :S

Not sure where this topic should go! Hope someone can help me! Thanks :D
I've been trying to get them for months myself and my LFS' supplier hasn't been able to keep them alive so they won't ship them, fortunately.

You could substitute them for Malaysian Trumpet Snails though.
I feel your pain Teelie. I don't want MTS because I don't want millions of them. My fish stores are having problems getting them in too for the same reason, it's a pain, but I'd rather get healthy ones. :/
Wow Cometcattle! Look at you step up to the plate! Thanks, I'm going to check that website right now! :D

Grrrr, just called them and they don't carry Kuhlis :angry: :rolleyes:
Sorrell said:
Wow Cometcattle! Look at you step up to the plate! Thanks, I'm going to check that website right now! :D

Grrrr, just called them and they don't carry Kuhlis :angry: :rolleyes:
Sorry. :/

I just called the other one that I would recomend, that I thought would ship, and they won't.

I know my other favorite lfs won't ship, they are smaller.

If you want, I can call some places from the phone book, that I've never been too?

I stick with 1 Petsmart and 3 or 4 LSF because they have great fish and because they are dog walking distance from my home. :lol:
At the moment, the stock is just not healthy. UNfortunately many LFSs, mine included (although I'm not in the US, they must come from the same place, probably Singapore) are finding them very hard to keep alive. My lfs lost a whole tank of them and out of the 7 I've bought only 4 are still alive. You might want to consider a different species :/ :dunno: :dunno:
JamesTasker said:
At the moment, the stock is just not healthy. UNfortunately many LFSs, mine included (although I'm not in the US, they must come from the same place, probably Singapore) are finding them very hard to keep alive. My lfs lost a whole tank of them and out of the 7 I've bought only 4 are still alive. You might want to consider a different species :/ :dunno: :dunno:
Come to think of it, in the past 5 monthes, I think I've only seen them in a lfs one or twice.

And there was only a couple in the tank.

Ok, now I want a couple. :lol:
funny, where i live there are 2 tanks FULL of them, one tank is just black kulis and the other one are FULL of kulis with strips, now i want some too since they are so rare :D

It's from big Al's (lfs)

and i'm not sure if they ship or not :/
kevin007 said:
funny, where i live there are 2 tanks FULL of them, one tank is just black kulis and the other one are FULL of kulis with strips, now i want some too since they are so rare :D

It's from big Al's (lfs)

and i'm not sure if they ship or not :/
I was just in my local big al's and they just a whole bunch in, but have a 5 day hold on them.

I will be going back in 6 days to get 3 more.

if you want them to come out and play and be interesting, get at least 5.

I have 12 right now, and htey are always out playing and having fun.

But it took me a while to get this many, at first I had 3, then 5, then 9 then 12 (i think)

and it wasnt till 5 that they would come out in the day at all, and then at 9 they would really play, and now with 12, its just awsome. cant wait for my next 3.

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