I Cant Choose :s


Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Im getting a 216L / 56 US gallons (44", 15", 20") on saturday but cant think what to stock it with, give me your stocking ideas for some oddballs and i will tell you what i think. All replies would be greatly appreciated as i just cant choose.

Cheers, Joemuz
4x reedfish
6x congo tetras
5x Red Rainbowfish

Overfiltered, with a sand substrate and a planted side, and quite a bit of bogwood. Would be nice. :good:
4x reedfish
6x congo tetras
5x Red Rainbowfish

Overfiltered, with a sand substrate and a planted side, and quite a bit of bogwood. Would be nice. :good:

sand bogwood and java fern for decor i think, love the sound of reedfish but dont really like the congo tetra of red rainbow fish :(
How much are reedfish to buy? Thanks, Joemuz
Depends on where you likve, but they arnt mega-bucks.
you could get cichlids in fill the spaces of your congo tetras if you dont like them, angels arent a bad choice.

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