I'm trying really hard to act normal
I'd like you all to welcome home Cecil...my newest betta. I haven't even LOOKED at bettas since I got Simon home and he wasn't eating. So, since my luck had changed with him, I was only going to take a peak at the bettas. It's so funny because just the other day I said I should really only get another betta if I find one that's mostly purple...and guess what Cecil is? He is SOOO hansome...his body is a light purple/lavendar color. Then his fins are white, purple, and teal striped. I've never seen a purple betta before. But I am writing a complaint to the company...he is SO fat! There was atleast a tablespoon of betta food in his cup, and the top of the cup was covered with betta food, and all of the other cups were the same way. One cup was so dirty, I didn't even know what color the betta was. The list goes on and on with all of the horrible things I saw. Anyway, Cecil had been enrolled in Weight Watchers for bettas.