i can see frys eyes through my platties belly


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2004
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i looked in my tank today and was amazed to see lots of little eyes through my platys belly, :D ive heard about this before but never seen it with m own eyes does this mean she about to give me babies :wub: she is quite large,what do you think
what colour are the eyes if u can see a black center with white around it then she is close this is how i tell if mine are about to give birth
Its usually at most a few days after you first notice the eyes that she will give birth. That depends if you watch your pregnant platy's belly a lot though.

Here's a picture... you can kind of see it behind the silvery belly.

Can't quite make out the fry in there... but isn't it the coolest thing when you can see them? I see it all the time in my lighter guppies. ;)
Funki said:

Here's a picture... you can kind of see it behind the silvery belly.

Can't quite make out the fry in there... but isn't it the coolest thing when you can see them? I see it all the time in my lighter guppies. ;)

Thanks very much!

It's awesome to see, to say the least.
If you see the fry's eyes pressing against the mother's belly, she would be delivering very soon. :nod:

Good luck! :D

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