I Bought This Betta For $2.49 + Tax


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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Well I rendered it earlier cuz i was bored... how is it XD i love it :hyper:
Is that a picture of him? I like his jagged little fins.

... and just out of curiosity, did you darken up his colors over this past hour? I could have sworn I clicked on this thread earlier, made a mental note to comment later, and saw a lighter red betta. :blink:

I like red bettas, they're almost my favorite.

edit: I'm jealous you can buy bettas for so cheap. I think even I'd have 12 bettas if they were all that price, here. :lol:
What a cool little guy! Looks like a VT DT :nod:
Ug, I'm this bettas pretty cool.
My computer is being silly, so all I can see is "IPB Image" :grr:
That first pic isn't working and the second pic is to blurry for me to see it. Can you fix it?

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