I bought my first betta!


New Member
Sep 20, 2005
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Hello guys, my name is JBN (what it stands for is for me to know and you to find out :p) and 3 days ago I bought my first betta, a red almost traditional plakat from a trusted LFS. I've researched everything about bettas such as housing, temperature, PH, food, etc. Here are two of the best pictures I took of him on my webcam. Sorry for the blurryness :*)



Thanks for viewing my thread and I hope I can learn many things from you guys :D
Actually FishFreaks, his fins are red with deep blue lining on the border like a plakat's but instead of being black it's a deep blue. Thanks for the comments guys :)
That is a really pretty plakat. :) Congratulations, but I'm sure you'll end up with more bettas. You can't just have one...
I know what you mean. I chose Rouge (as I call him by his color) from a batch of 30 or so plakats on a shelf that I meticulously compare side by side for half an hour :X. In the far away future I'll probably attempt to create a chili HMPK if I have time :D
Beautiful fish JBN! I do that too when I go to my LFS...I'm usually there for about 45 minutes, taking a couple down at a time, comparing, changing my mind, changing it back again, making my decision and then oops! changed my mind again! Thankfully the ladies there are very cool, although I'm sure I drive them nuts sometimes! :p
Yep, congrads on your birst betta. You'll have more very soon I can promise that!
Its an addiction worse then drugs.
con771 said:
Yep, congrads on your birst betta. You'll have more very soon I can promise that!
Its an addiction worse then drugs.

^^^ Very True :cool:

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