I bought a flounder....


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
I took a trip to the lps yesterday, just narrowly avoiding buying a betta and an endler. But then my friend saw the flounders in the guppy tank. She offered to buy me two (as she killed the upsidedown catfish I bought for her). I asked the fish guy how to care for them. He said they could go in with my guppies in my 10 gal. :/ I just read they are brackish. I've seen these flounders in the guppy tank at the store for a couple of weeks. Could I be super lucky and have gotten some of the actual freshwaters? Or am I just killing them slowly??? :( I need advice!
Probably killing them slowly. Lucky for you your guppies can survive fine in brackish water too. Not sure they can live in a 10g though.
Flounders can be kept in fresh water, but will need brakish later down the road......

I made the same mistake earlier in the fish keeping game :-(

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