I Bought A Batch Of Synirr Babies


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
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Fresno, CA
Well this is just a teaser, because I have new cory babies to learn to care for and two new batches of fish and two coming next week.

But Synirr may have sent me the breeding winners--the couple that will get first crack at teaching me a thing or two in real time.

He was squared off with the boy to his right and what a georgeous sight! Synirr is sneaky. She may have moved me off the bench.

But for today--waterchanges, tank changes, fish changes, liquid fry to buy along with black worms.

And best of all:

I got a new car: best in class, best in Fresno. best in show: only one like it in Fresno: a real scene stealer.

I didn't mean to get all that; it just happened. Now it's time to enjoy it!
:D :D :fun: :p :D
Ah! yes, thelastbetta, "And may God Bless us Everyone!"

Mery Christmas, thelastbetta. Haha, my car talks to me! Haha But then--sh! don't tell--so do my fish. :nod: :D
What kind of car did you get? Could you post some pics of the bettas? Did you get my PM a couple days ago?
You keep Cory's too Jollysue? I have 12 panda Corydora's. Started out with 5... now. They have given me 18 baby cory's in the past year. Gave a few away of the babies and lost two five.

Can't wait for the pic's of the new babies.
Oooo, a new car!! I think we need some pics of that :hey:
...and the bettas too I guess, but I just saw them in person earlier this week :lol:
Someone's been a good girl. :lol:

I think I'm getting coal for Christmas. No matter, it'll keep me warm. :D

Post a picture so that we can live vicariously through you.
I'm sorry. I never got a notice that I had responses on the this thread.

The car is a 2006 Toyota Prius Hybrid. I got 78 mpg trying to get around to get the babies some blackworms.

I came home with 2 syno catfish. When I put them in the holding acclimation tank, one appeared to have an injured eye. I figured it came from a sharp spine during shipping. So I just put some Pima/MelaFix in the tank and carried on. I came back an hour later to a 8" w/o her tail, Mpimbwe Frontosa African Cichlid laying on the bottom barely breathing.

(EDIT: I have been assured that Meyer was a Kigoma, not a Mpimbwe)

All I had done was to add the Mela/PimaFix. I got her out as soon as possible. But it didn't help. She made her last gasp in my hands.

I spent today trying to find a replacement. Best I could find was a 7" kigoma frontosa cichlid. I am really very sad. In just a week I had come to like her and her saucy sense of humor.

So no pics got taken today. But before next weekend I hope to have some nice clean tanks and the new ones set up on the barracks bookcase.

The car has leather seats, nine speakers, runs tight and solid. It is a little bigger than earlier models.

ral, I ran with Inchworm awhile, so I have three corey tanks. Good going on the pandas. They seem to be slow growing. I have some pandas, but they are still very small. The babies left for me are of course bronze--probably. But theVirginae are getting pretty randy.
I'm sorry, Durbkat. Has it been weeks? I have been so busy with packing, moving, unpacking, working, water changing, sudden fish emergencies that I have not taken much time for the forum or burlesque. I watched the first one on the bums, but I must say it's not my sort of humor, although I couldn't help but laugh. The writer/cartoonest got it right.
about celeb bums.
The dealer that I chose for the kigoma replacement says that Meyer was a 7 stripe kigoma male and a beautiful specimen. That's the umpteenth time I've found Kaz's to be exceptionally misinformed/misinforming for a specialty African Cichlid shop.
One of my best friends (and my son's mother in law) loves her Prius. It's a 2005. I would consider a hybrid if the price were more competitive.
My son got one the second year they came out. He has a Jag, but LOVES his Prius and fully indorsed me getting the full package (such as the GPS.) I can drive to work in the Valley Tule fog and not miss the turn. I drive to work in the dark, and that is a big help.

The Prius costs more than the Honda hybrid, but it has better resale and more bells and whistles. The urban myth is that you can buy a Prius and go sell it next day for more on E-Bay. It is true that a used Prius costs close to new. The depreciation is minimal, and Toyota likes it that way.

I lurve it. It is solid and smooth as well as stylish. I had a 626; this drives better. I don't even need a key, because it has fingerprint recognition. It has bluetooth for hands free phone--perhaps the laptop too.

All these extras cost. The Honda is cheaper because it aims at a different buyer. It's a Ford; the Prius is the Camry.

But I'm not offended, Sandy. You get to have your own opinion and likes and dislikes.
I love Hybrids. So much fun, saves the enviorment as well as your gas money. :*) . Im planning on getting a Honda Hybrid or somethin when I turn 18. But of course my parents are going to be forced to buy me one, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! JK. :shifty: . But nice stories you've got there.
The Honda is much less, but has a good reputation. I hear there are less of them than the Prius. Ford now has a hybrid SUV, too. :nod:

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