I asked this question in my Nano tank thread, but apparently, no one is reading that... how much different is it to take care of female bettas...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
in comparison to males, on fancy Bettas???

my original question...

as I've never had one, is there a significant difference in husbandry required, between keeping a male, and a female, if they are still single in a tank, with shrimp and snails??? since I've started looking, at the fancy Bettas, there are some very pretty females, even though the "sport" is about keeping males... just to be different, I'm not opposed to keeping a female, if it has the colors, and the look I'm after... thoughts???
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In terms of general maintenance, there's no real difference. If, however, you're thinking of a long-finned male as a possible choice, then some extra care must be taken with regard to tank decor and layout to ensure he doesn't damage his fins on any sharp or rough edges. And if there is any laxity in your water change regimen, a long-finned male is more likely to show the effects than a female or short-finned male,

As far as shrimp as tankmates, it is case by case. Some bettas tolerate them others dine on them. And this is not gender-specific. I have a female that will kill anything I put in the tank.
That's a good overview abov.

I'd add neither males or females are nano fish for nano tanks. Females tend to be more mobile, in my experience. They fixate on territory less, and so I always found they needed more room. In Betta communities, males hold their little squares, but females swim below a lot.

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