I am Worried about 1 of my Banjos


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Just found 1 of my Banjos, As Above.

It was sitting on the gravel. Not under it.

Now My Banjos are never Visible. Maybe at night when feeding and apart from that never see them.

So it is so strange for 1 to be out during the day and just sitting their.

Banjos look dead at the Best of times, but this 1 isnot doing anything.

And from the Photos it is very very swollen, and very squishy to the touch. Does not look like eggs.

I have seperatedit from the main tank in a Flaoting Basket above the AirStone.

What couls it be, or is this just a Female. And I am Being a Paranoid Parent.

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Errr... Isn't gravel kind of heavy and coarse to be burying into?
They have always lived under the gravel.

And only ever come out to feed on Bloodworms when I treat them to it.

Banjos in the LFS were only vivisble by their eyes and whiskers poking thru the gravel/Sand Mix they had in their Tanks.

Should have noticed something was wrong yesterday, when I saw it with its head sticking out the gravel for hours. But thought it was just feeding on the bloodworms.

Could it have been the Bloodworms, it ate Yesterday. They weren't Red Like normal, But a Pinky Color.
Could be. Bloodworms should be red and meaty.
I will wait till Morning to see if it improves.

The Bloodworms were Pinky and Stringy not like normal, But most of it ended up in the filter and hardly any fish touched them, apart from the banjo who was right next to the Bloodworm tabs when they sank to the floor.
Try frozen bloodworms. Then defrost 1 cube in hot water. Mix for 1 minute, then drain the water. Use tweezers to serve. At least they'll have something warm to eat.
It looks like a gravid female to me, but it's hard to tell from that picture. They do get fat sometimes.

Sand as a substrate would be best for them, but it doesn't seem to have any injuries in it's skin. It could be that she really does have a tummyache from the bloodworms. Propably only thing you can do is wait and see if it starts acting normal again.

I hope she does get better. It's a beautiful fish.
Thanks for the Help Guys,

1 thing I did Notice when i Turned her upside is that he/She does not want to right it self. And He/She's Belly is very round a red vein running down it looks very fat.

LOL - Looked at the Packet of Tabs I gave them, It wasn't Bloodworms i Gave them. It was TubiFex - Picked up the Wrong Packet fromt he Freezer.
She is Fine Now.

Tummy has gone down.

Guess she gorged herself on Tubifex.

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