I Am Sooo Addicted!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Well, long story short, I just got back from one of my LFS. With more Livebearers. Of course. :p

I got 3 Rainbow Platies, and one Sunburst Wagtail Platy. These will be added to my 15 gallon with my 2 Hi-fin Females. This will, I'm sure, start them breeding again, but that's okay. I haven't bred Platies for a long time, I've mostly been concentrating on the Endlers, and Swordies, along with my Guppy breeding program. (Breeding Fancies with Feeders to make stronger Fancies). I can't wait for some cute little Platy fry. :wub: I'll try to get some piccies of the new arrivals soon, once they have settled in for a few days.

So now, not only do I have MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) and MBS (Multiple Betta Syndrome), I have MLS (Multiple Livebearer Syndrome) too! I am so ailing...anyone know a good docter? :lol:
Lol i know how you feel, i just just try to avoid places now days that sell live fish- you could always create a punishment system though for when you buy fish you shouldn't have like, i dunno, drink 2litres of fish tank water for every fish you buy :lol: ?
I actually haven't bought any fish for the good part of a year. Go me. :D

However, my non-Breeding tanks were getting a little empty. I just had my Community tanks, and my breeding fish, and the fry, and that's it. These Platies are my new little show fish. :wub: Though one of the Rainbow Males has great looks...totally healthy, nice proportions, good size...might have to save some of his fry. :shifty: I need more little non-breeding fishies. I have an empty 10, and 20 long with just Cories in it. I'm going to this awesome new fish store that BlueIce told me about that has tons of Livebearers, and some rare ones at that. I'm sure I'll come home with something.

Mmm....fish tank water. :p I have a feeling I'll be drinking a lot!
I love my livebearers (guppys) they're great colours, fun to watch and the fry are cute when they're first born. I've bought a second tank, and as ive had problems with the heating decided to not put my guppy fry in it yet (by the time my tank is ready the fry will probably be fully grown)!

I'm considering getting another pair of livebearers for my 2nd tank in a few months time, what would you recommend?

Goodluck, hope it goes well :)
Thanks. :)

What size tank were you thinking of?

Its relatively small 5 - 6 gallon, I thought it'd probably be big enough for a pair of breeders though, once the young guppys are finished with it.

I kind of enjoy looking after the little ones though and by breeding im supporting my local pet shops in exchange for credit, so it works out good. I'm looking at different species of livebearers now though just to give me an idea.

Oh and i took your advice and bought tetra mini fry food for my guppy fry, they seem to enjoy it!
In a 5-6 gallon, the only breeding fish I would recommend would be Endlers or Mosquito fish. Guppies and Platies need at least a 10. And you don't want a pair, you need at least a trio so the female won't be totally stressed out. :)

Glad to hear they like the food! My fry always loved it, that's why I recommend it. :D
In a 5-6 gallon, the only breeding fish I would recommend would be Endlers or Mosquito fish. Guppies and Platies need at least a 10. And you don't want a pair, you need at least a trio so the female won't be totally stressed out. :)

Glad to hear they like the food! My fry always loved it, that's why I recommend it. :D

I was looking at a ram cichlid, maybe it'd be worth my while upgrading my tank a little, as they look really pretty.

Thanks for your advice :thumbs:
Rams need at least a 20 gallon, really, and they are best kept in pairs. So yes, you would have to upgrade. You also need to be careful about what you put with them, because if they breed, they will turn on other fish in their territories. Upper level fish are usually best. :)
Well, long story short, I just got back from one of my LFS. With more Livebearers. Of course. :p

I got 3 Rainbow Platies, and one Sunburst Wagtail Platy. These will be added to my 15 gallon with my 2 Hi-fin Females. This will, I'm sure, start them breeding again, but that's okay. I haven't bred Platies for a long time, I've mostly been concentrating on the Endlers, and Swordies, along with my Guppy breeding program. (Breeding Fancies with Feeders to make stronger Fancies). I can't wait for some cute little Platy fry. :wub: I'll try to get some piccies of the new arrivals soon, once they have settled in for a few days.

So now, not only do I have MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) and MBS (Multiple Betta Syndrome), I have MLS (Multiple Livebearer Syndrome) too! I am so ailing...anyone know a good docter? :lol:

Rainbow Platys are really nice, I can't wait to see the pics. :thumbs:
Don't hold your breath...I stink at taking pictures. :p It might take me a while to get some decent ones where you can see the actual fish.

But yes, they do have great coloring. The female is a little messed up, her tail has a nip in it, and her back is slightly arched, but the males are to die for. Love them all, though. :wub:
Ha ha. I love platy fry too....any livebearer fry actually.

I have a batch of about 25 platy fry ATM from a tuxedo wag pintail platy. The mum is orange with a tuxedo marking on her sides yet has the wag tail and fins with a point in the middle of her tail. I think they are called spear-tailed platies. Among the fry there are dark red ones with black, oramge with black, plain orange, plain red, yellows and yellows with black. Will be interesting to see what I end up with!!

Congrats on the new additions Anna. I will be keen to see pics, especially of the rainbow platies :nod:
Thanks Chook. :)

Those fry do sound like they will come out very interesting! You need to keep posting pictures of them, I am really curious. And I myself am also wondering what I am going to end up with when my Rainbow Platy breeds with my orange Hi-fin with assorted markings. It will be interesting....

I got one semi-decent picture of a Rainbow Male today, but I'm trying to get more. Hardly worth it to struggle through getting it on the computer for one picture. :p
Forgive me for double posting...but I got more new Livebearers. :p Someone smack me.

This time, I went to a brand new fish store I'd never been to up in PA. BlueIce recommended it to me and it's awesome! Huge Livebearer section, lots of plants, and a huge Saltwater section too. So, anyway, I ended getting a few Variatus Platies. Still trying to figure out the color they are. They are gorgeous little chaps though...orange head, blue-ish/yellowish body with black overylay, bright red tail, and long yellow top-fin. They look kinda like Hi-fins...but their fin is more long instead of tall. Okay, I know that makes them sound like a clown or something, but they really are gorgeous. I got two pregnant females too... :hey:

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