I am so Happy


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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again i am just here to let you all know i am back in business with my fish.
lpd.. we are happy to say we have only lost 5 fish in five days and all looks good.
most of the 5 where due to other fish picking on them. anyways.
i talked it over with my partner and we will no longer carry the dyed fish in our store because of 1000 to 800 deaths. we descused it and this was a total agreement that we will not carry them.. we are however going to carry some that we have not carried in a while clown loaches, snails, cory cats.... just to name a few.. also does anyone know if snails can handle cold water? like 64 degrees? please tell me now.. :) happy in texas... back up and running.. yeah :kana:
Some can for a short period of time. I don't think Apples, the most common ones can tolerate it for more than a couple of days.
i am getting some gold and black mystery snails on Thurs. i was hoping that they could live in the goldfish side of tanks.. i need something to eat the algae that is just all over so i don't have to clean everyother day..what can i get for those tanks?
Well done wallmart,

it's great to know some people can make a positive difference keepm up the good work!!
Most likely not. Mystery and Apple Snails don't actually eat a lot of algae normally. Besides, nothing beats cleaning algae yourself. :D
well, i know that but you know when you have a whole dept. to run it is hard to spend all the time on the tanks i have learned to use the cat fish and pleco's and stuff to work on the warm water side of my tanks but i need something that would work on the cold( gold fish ) side.. some pleco's worked for a bit but they where misable in there so i put them back in the (transitioned) warm side.. anyways we have brown algae now but that is cause my lights won't go out. they are fixen that on thur.. but the green algae is hard on that side too.. looking on what to do now.. thanks for all the help though guess i will keep on scrubing.
How bout wheather loaches, not sure reall name isn't a reall loach but cold water algae fish
My wal-mart had clown loaches for a little while. I suspect that some of them died though I don't think they knew how to feed them.
Hi walmartfish :)

I'm very happy to learn that your store will no longer be selling dyed fish. :clap: :clap: :clap: It's good to know that our forum helped you make that decision. :thumbs:

Snails might be good for your tanks. Here's a link to a site about snails:


I hope it is useful to you. :D
what about butterfly plecos? We sell them in the coldwater side of the store where I work and they do a great job! Very pretty as well.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Glad to hear your not selling dyed fish. Sont know about an algae eater for cold water though. I only have tropical tanks. Have you tried one of those magnetic cleaner brush thingys. I just bought one. They are so neat.
walmartfish said:
well, i know that but you know when you have a whole dept. to run it is hard to spend all the time on the tanks i have learned to use the cat fish and pleco's and stuff to work on the warm water side of my tanks but i need something that would work on the cold( gold fish ) side.. some pleco's worked for a bit but they where misable in there so i put them back in the (transitioned) warm side.. anyways we have brown algae now but that is cause my lights won't go out. they are fixen that on thur.. but the green algae is hard on that side too.. looking on what to do now.. thanks for all the help though guess i will keep on scrubing.
:lol: Try doing an entire store. When I worked at my LFS, I had to clean literally five walls of aquariums higher than me, stacked 2-3 high (2 for the large ones, 3 for the smaller) by myself, in a single day if possible though rare since we had customers coming in and other jobs to do. They had to be clean of every spot of algae too.

There were at least 100 aquariums if not more, Fresh and Saltwater. Doing the clean up on a single wall at a Wal-Mart store would be a piece of cake. :cool:

It's really not that hard though, just tedious to make sure you get all the tiny spots. Most of the time I could go through a tank and have maybe a few little specks to clean up and move on to the next. Some though, especially the Saltwater, would be getting bad even after being cleaned a few days before. Fortunately you don't have the Saltwater red algae from hell. That stuff can literally grow back over night if you leave the lights on. Freshwater might need a scrubbing once or twice a week depending on lighting, Saltwater can need it every other day.

plecoperson said:
what about butterfly plecos? We sell them in the coldwater side of the store where I work and they do a great job! Very pretty as well.

You mean the Hillstream Loach. There are two true Plecos under the Butterfly Pleco and only one of them eats algae, and neither is coldwater. I hate common names for fish that aren't even named for the right species.
thanks for all the input... i added the page you sent me inchworm to my added collection to handouts for the store.. i will give these out to anyone who is buying these snails from us.. this will help me too i can read up on them before i sell them and my partner too.. she will love this.. thanks everyone for the inputs that help me have a better dept..

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