I Am Interested In Breeding Betta's Can Somebody Help Me?


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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After coming on theese forums iv'e realised how great better's are.
How do you breed them?
How much does a nice one cost?
Will they mix with the fish in my signiture?
Do they cost alot to maintain?

breeding bettas isn't cheap.
it's nothing like breeding livebearers.

you will need space, time, several tanks, and a good few jars for jarring juvvies, seeing as bettas can have spawns from 5 fry to 200+ fry (these will need daily water changes)
and planned homes for the new kids.

of course you first need a pair, which you will need to find from a proper line from another breeder.
don't breed pet shop bettas.

the pair will need conditioning before breeding
you can't just put them in a tank, they're more likely to kill each other than breed.

don't breed bettas that are over a year old as there is a likelyhood of having deformed fry.

i'm sure experienced betta breeders on this forum can help you more.

also, you can't keep a betta with your current set up.
the black phantoms will nip them
the betta will try and kill the guppys thinking they're another betta (because of the colourful tails)
and the angel won't be too pleased with them either (the angel being a cichlid)

bettas are best kept alone, not in a community.
okay heres what you will need

10 gal for breeding or you can use those really large toy storage boxes


styrofoam cup cut in half

sponge filter

air pump

air line



floating plants

glass chimney (but I use breeders instead I think there better)

1g jars

and finally how you breed them check this website http://www.bettatalk.com/how_bettas_spawn.htm
Maybe i'll give it a miss just buy a pretty one and stick to breeding my guppy's! :D
A betta wouldn't mix with your current fish well at all, but 2.5 gallons are cheap... You could get a 5 gallon and have a betta and some African dwarf frog buddies :D

You can get beautiful fish for very cheap at LFSs, but if you want a fish from a breeder expect to pay around $5-10, $20 for something really nice.

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