I am i overstocked


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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hi i have a 3ft community tank and i have 12 cardinal tetras 6 tiger barbs and 4 albino tiger barbs (sorry in my other posts i said they were golden tiger barbs but found they are albino tiger barb) and 3 peppered corys i was wondering if that is over stocked or just enough. Becuase they are all doing fine the barbs hang together and the tetras hang together and these are the only fish i iam having until i buy my new large 5 ft by 2 ft tank. dose anybody know if my tank maybe over stocked or is it fine as long as i keep doing my weekly water changes.
i dont know, how do u turn 3ft into gallons. i think its like a 35 40 gall
ok thanks, i didnt think i was over stocked because all the fish are swimming well and look healthy and happy in the tank though i am buying a 5ft by 2ft tank soon and am making that into a new very large community tank.
No, it's not a 55g. I got 2 55g and their 4 feet long (American :p ). What you got is a 39g I think. Yes, it's very overstocked but your moving them soon, so :dunno: . Not too much for what sounds like a 75g atleast. Where from, how much?
ger87410 said:
. Yes, it's very overstocked but your moving them soon, so :dunno: .
its hardly 'very overstocked' like you say...

i still think its fine (and i'm always moaning at people overstocking tanks....eh cheese ;) )
Remember folks, inch rule is a guide, not a ruler to beat people over the heads with ;)
yer i dont think that it is overstocked at all if it was the fish would be unhappy and not showing their colours, but they are all happy and swimming well and alot look good anyway.
yer i agree with ur motto, i am putting pic on on thrusday of my tank. so u should see if it is over stocked or not and how much the fish like it.
I am thinking of giving bak 2 of my 10 tiger barbs because i found out that the ones with the green shinny colour through their black stripe means that they are males and are showing their colours to the females. and i count 4 of them which have this shinny green colour on the stripes. and i dont want more males then females as they are aggressive and may turn on my other fish from showing off.

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