I am having a lot of trouble

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I had him in with my cichlids and they have starting biting his fins..So I took him out and put him in some melafix. I noticed this morning that they are starting to rot.. I need to know if I should leave him in the melafix or add some different kind of medicine with him..I have never had any trouble with my plecos and I sure dont want him to be sick on me either..I guess what I am really asking will melafix do the trick or should I take him out of that and start him on something different???
-_- Hate to say it But the Melifax probally was not a good idea......First of all do

you have a hospital tank? With now medication in it? Melifax is meant for sick fish,

in this case it is not the problem. How big is your pleco? If it is not almost as big

as the chichlids in the tank then it it too small. Make sure there are plenty of

hiding spots for him. DO NOT put him back in teh tank yet. If you have a hospital

tank with clear water and clean water put him in there. That is teh only thing I can

say. When you see the problem (tail rot or w/e) has gone away and he looks

healthy add him back to his tank with his Buddies :D If he is smaller then the

chichlids it might not be a good idea to put him back in. Is it possibal you could

find another tank for him or maybe another friend with a tank? Well I hope all is

well and I wish teh best of Luck to you and your pleco! ~Scarlett
Woops I made a silly mistake when I asked if you have a 'Hospital tank with now

medication in it' I meant NO medication it sorry for the confusion
The pleco is bigger than the cichlids..I pretty much know how to take care of the fish I just have never had fin rot on a pleco before..I wasnt for sure what to do in this case. I have him in a hospital tank. I don't know whether to leave the melafix in there too or to not. It started out with the fin nipping and then it turned to rot. That is how this happened....I guess I will do some more reading..
Alrighty......Sorry If I sounded like I thought you did not know what you where doing. I suggest leaving it in there and see what happens, is it getting worse or better, is it not changing at all? There is nto much you can do, but for your other fishes saftey check them for this desiese. Well good luck and I hope your pleco gets better ~Scarlett
I heard that you could add salt in with plecos, but at half dosage. The only other thing I know of that works is malachite green, half dosage.
I think he is getting better his fins are starting new growth now so that means the rot is gone..Thanks for all the help..
When my female convict gets beat up during spawning ( usually gets fin damage ) I put her in my sick tank and just maje sure that the water conditions are perfect.... IMO I dont like adding chemicals for something that the fish will do naturally given time. I'm not saying they don't work...i just dont like them. I would get him out of the melafix and give him some time to heal :D HIH
This is my boyfriends fish he gets crazy over the thing if one mark on him. I have never seen the beat in my life I tried to get him to let me do the water changes and he would get ok on his own but nothing doing he is a firm believer in the meds.

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