I have read what I could about them. Now I need info from people who have really kept them...
Are they sensitive or not? Everything I have read says they are easy and not demanding at all.
I am having 8 ordered. They will be going in a 55g fully planted tank with eco-complete and black sand mixed as the substrate. current tank mates will be corys and a pleco. This tank is not new so that should not be a problem.
From all I have found on them I should be able to feed them the same things as my corys so that works out. The temp said 74 to 78 I think. I keep it about 74 so that works out too. I am making a couple of new caves to add for them also. I want them to feel at home.
My water is on the soft side. I think I read that they like that also. I have a large hob filter running and a bubble bar for circulation... ( and lots of snails for them to munch... )
Is there anything else that I am not thinking of? Anything special that I should know about them? I really want them to do well.
Thanks for any help and info...
Oh... I forgot to mention that they will be going into a 20g long for quarantine first. It is just semi planted. I plan to keep them in there for about 2 weeks to watch for problems. The water is the same and it has 2 10g filters and a bubble bar going. It is up and running with fish right now... so it is fully cycled and ready...
Are they sensitive or not? Everything I have read says they are easy and not demanding at all.
I am having 8 ordered. They will be going in a 55g fully planted tank with eco-complete and black sand mixed as the substrate. current tank mates will be corys and a pleco. This tank is not new so that should not be a problem.
From all I have found on them I should be able to feed them the same things as my corys so that works out. The temp said 74 to 78 I think. I keep it about 74 so that works out too. I am making a couple of new caves to add for them also. I want them to feel at home.
My water is on the soft side. I think I read that they like that also. I have a large hob filter running and a bubble bar for circulation... ( and lots of snails for them to munch... )
Is there anything else that I am not thinking of? Anything special that I should know about them? I really want them to do well.
Thanks for any help and info...
Oh... I forgot to mention that they will be going into a 20g long for quarantine first. It is just semi planted. I plan to keep them in there for about 2 weeks to watch for problems. The water is the same and it has 2 10g filters and a bubble bar going. It is up and running with fish right now... so it is fully cycled and ready...