I Am Getting Some Botia Striata...


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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I have read what I could about them. Now I need info from people who have really kept them...
Are they sensitive or not? Everything I have read says they are easy and not demanding at all.
I am having 8 ordered. They will be going in a 55g fully planted tank with eco-complete and black sand mixed as the substrate. current tank mates will be corys and a pleco. This tank is not new so that should not be a problem.
From all I have found on them I should be able to feed them the same things as my corys so that works out. The temp said 74 to 78 I think. I keep it about 74 so that works out too. I am making a couple of new caves to add for them also. I want them to feel at home.
My water is on the soft side. I think I read that they like that also. I have a large hob filter running and a bubble bar for circulation... ( :shifty: and lots of snails for them to munch... :hyper: )
Is there anything else that I am not thinking of? Anything special that I should know about them? I really want them to do well.

Thanks for any help and info...

Oh... I forgot to mention that they will be going into a 20g long for quarantine first. It is just semi planted. I plan to keep them in there for about 2 weeks to watch for problems. The water is the same and it has 2 10g filters and a bubble bar going. It is up and running with fish right now... so it is fully cycled and ready...
Sounds like you got most of it.

It is not uncommon for loaches to have internal parasites when imported, so it may be worthwhile to pro-actively treat with a medication for that. It is certainly easier than waiting for signs to show up, as they're going to be impossible to get out of a planted tank.
I have 7 of these little beauty's, they are very funny to watch, always on the go, I have never had a problem with internal parasites with mine at all, so hopefully you will be OK too.

Mine particularly like little strips of mussel and peas, they all go mad when i put it in, they swarm all over the place chasing each other to get a piece and they click loads which is a strange sound but cool.

These little dudes rock!! They sleep in the weirdest of places. I have bogwood with a couple of slices in it and they drive themselves in there and go to sleep/rest. Any little hole is good with them and they are daft!!

Brilliant fish. enjoy them.
Thanks for the info... :good:
Is it common for them to have parasites, or is it just sometimes? I need to know if I should go ahead and treat them or wait and see?

Thanks for helping. I really want to do it right. I have never had loaches before. :good:
Well... I didn't get 8. I only got 3. Now the problem is that once they were home and in the qt tank... I don't believe they are striata. I think I have 1 of one kind and 2 of another kind. I can't figure out what they are either. I would post a pic, but there is no browse button for me to load them... I don't like host sites, so I load them directly.

Another question... They are flicking and I noticed a couple of white patches. I bought some jungle lifeguard all in one, but I didn't notice that they say not to use with scaleless fish. I need to know if I can use it at half dose.

Thanks for looking. :good:
There are pics of the loaches I ended up with in my 55g journal in the planted section. Please look and see if you can tell what they are. I need to know if they will work in my tank and how to care for them.

Thanks for helping! :good:
Not zebras, and not even Botia's. Likely Mesonoemacheilus sp. The one with dots may be M.Guentheri (aka Gunther's Loach), the one without may be M.triangularis (aka Zodiac Loach). Or not, there are other Mesonoemacheilus species out there without any photos or good descriptions.

Regardless, they are more aggressive/territorial than Botia's and may fight. Requirements: somewhat cooler temperature, some flow, high O2, stones to separate the fish (so they can establish territories). Should eat pretty much anything, if there are problems, frozen bloodworms is a nearly universal favorite loach food.
Thanks. I will do some research on them and see what I come up with. :good:

I do believe you are right. That looks just like them! It says they need a tank with pebbbles and rocky with high flow of water. I don't have a tank to suit them. They also like a ph of 7 to 7.5 and mine is not that high. They just would not be happy in my tanks...

Thanks for helping! :good:
Not sure what you are reading, but pH is not a big concern. If it is 6.5-7.5, it should be ok.

You do need moderate flow or at least a powerful filter to provide oxygenation. If you have a decent HOB or canister filter, lowering water level a little to cause some splashing should be good enough. Pebbles and/or rocks are easy to add, and driftwood is another way.

I was trying to keep surface agitation down a bit because of it being a planted tank... It drives off the co2 too much.
The main thing is that they were just not what I wanted.
The pet shop reordered them for me. I got 4 striata today, and I took back the first loaches they sold me. I also picked up 3 corys. I just couldn't resist them. They are supposed to order me some more striata so I can have a real group. They are hiding right now. I hope they will come out some so I can see them. I hope that when I get a bigger group they will come out and play a good bit. They are so pretty. I really love the red lips too...
They are in a qt tank right now. I am going to watch them for a while to see how they do before I add any meds. They look really healthy right now. I hope they don't get sick or have any parasites.
I will let you all know how they do.
Thanks for helping me. :good:
I saw your loaches in the other thread. They look good.

They will hide for a while, especially until they adjust. B. striata is a very socialable loach, so once you add more to the group, then they should come out more.

The problem with parasites is the loaches may not show signs for a long time, but once they do, its not good.

Good luck with the new loaches :good:

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