I Am Getting A 25gal. Tank


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I am thinking about getting....

2 Rams
1 Angel Fish
1 Cherry Barb
3 Tiger Barbs
And one Zebra Pleco

Is that over stocked? Or not?
I don't think it would overstocked, but there are some problems with the fish you want. The rams and angelfish should be fine, but make sure you don't have two male rams cuz they can get territorial. Barbs can be very nippy and might nip at the angelfish's fins. You would also want to stick to one kind cuz the tigers will probably pick on the cherry, they also link to be in groups of 6 or more. As far as the zebra plelco goes, a true zebra pleco will be very expensive. The false one will be cheaper and both will probably be hard to find.

Yes, thank you. I was wondering about the Tigers and the Angelfish, so if I take the Tigers out of the picture everything is fine right? And about the Zebra Plecos. I really do not like corydoras for some odd reason any other suggestions if I cannot find the Zebra Plec?
Yes, thank you. I was wondering about the Tigers and the Angelfish, so if I take the Tigers out of the picture everything is fine right? And about the Zebra Plecos. I really do not like corydoras for some odd reason any other suggestions if I cannot find the Zebra Plec?

dont get a pleco to "clean the tank" they will not eat excess food etc. they have their own needs and need to be fed a balanced diet just like the rest of the fish. they need a good diet of veggies and meat. they will nibble at algae in the tank but that wont be enough for them to survive.

if you getting a fish to clean the tank, i suggest mystery snails as they will eat both excess food and algae.
Plecos are cool...but nerver assume it's going to eat algae. I have one, and believe me Plato, a common pleco, makes much more waste than he gets rid of...but, he's still darn cool to watch. ;)

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