I am baffled...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2004
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I brought home an albino bristlenose yesterday. I've been wanting one and I was so excited! I set him up in my 5.5 quarantine and all was well. I woke up this morning to find him dead outside of the tank. Has anyone else had this happen or heard of this happening?
Sorry for your loss. Albino bristlenose are some of my favorite catfish. They do tend to zip to the surface for air at times. Sometimes by chance they do it near an edge that has an opening, and leave the tank. I lost an albino cory that way, as well as a bristlenose.

They have a nack for finding an opening in the lid. I try to keep all openings covered, even then, somehow a couple jumped.

Sorry for your loss, did the tank have a lid.
The tank did have a lid. There was a gap at the top near the filter of maybe 3/4".

Tolak: Thanks for the info. Is this only with bristlenoses? I've never heard of plecos exhibiting this behavior before.
I have albino, as well as regular bristlenose. They all do it, along with the commons, and 1 unidentified plecolia i got for free. The large commons have a habit of hitting the lid & cross bar of the tank. They've broken 2 lids, the original, as well as breaking a home made one in 2. They knock them off, they hit the floor, broken lid.

Sorry for your loss :-(

The only time my BN's exhibited this type of behaviour was when there was a low oxygen level in the water.... problem was cured by adding a venturi device to my powerhead....
the only plec that i had do this is hen i had a 2inch gibbicep in a 20g, but i had glass sliders so no eascapes there.

i have 15 different plecs in my 110g and none of them do this.
All plecs require highly oxygenated water and prefer a fast & strong currant.

My belief (and this is just my opinion based on observation of my own fish) is that plecs surface in this way when they need more oxygen. My common plec used to do this untill I directed the filter outflow onto his favourite rock and added an airstone.
Now he likes to sit face down in the flow of bubbles and never surfaces.

Well I seem to have lost an otto, there were 3 and now there are 2.
Tank has lid and so I am assuming it jumped out when tank technician(BF) was doing a water change.Couldn't find it anywhere , think Monkey may know something though!

Slightly off topic, but we lost a strawberry fish from the reef tank.It jumped out when tank technician was doing some work,He didn't notice and wasn't until 3 days later that he found it underneath the lip on bottom of tank stand.

Thanks so much for all the input, guys. I'm even a little more sad about this because it was the first time I'd seen an albino bristlenose for sale in this area (and it was the only one in the tank). I only hope I will come across another one soon.

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