

Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
what's the easiet way to divide my 10 gallon if i have one filter? how would i filter both sides? what about the bubbles? (cloud loves them). and what's to keep them from getting on the other side?
To make sure they stay separated, keep the water level a bit lower.

Circulation and heat... make sure that there are holes in the divider. I would like to figure out a way to use something like a nylon mesh so that won't be a problem...

Filtration: as long as there is adequate circulation, the filter won't work exceptionally well as mechanical filtration, but it should work well as a biological filtration. To make up for the loss of mechanical filtration on one side, I'd consider using a sand substrate, less than an inch, that way no anaerobic pockets and the crap won't sink into the substrate.
call me dense- what's mechanical filtration?

the actual filter is on the left side of the tank, the bubbles on the right... they seem to create the same amount of current as the filter itself... so i would assume if i put a divider in- the water from one side would be pushed to the other.

do they sell dividers or would i have to make it?

if the water level was lower, wouldn't they be more apt to jump over? the top of the tank and the water and normal levels leaves about 1/4 inch of room at the top.

o yea, and i gravel vac it once a week- wouldn't that remove anything that sunk into the gravel if it were divided?
I have a 3.5 foot tank which is divided for my boys, I use an undergravel filter with uplifts on either side of the tank which are directed to the middle of the tank, all the bigger tailed boys are to the middle where there is hardly any current and the PK's are in the more water moving area's.

I have a thermometer at either end of the tank to check that the heat is moving around and found that there is only a slight diff. between the end of the tank where the heater is and the other end of the tank.

The tank is divided with plastic canvas which you can by from hobbycraft shops and I use the rigid spines for reports as inserts for the canvas (this is glued on inside the tank with aquarium sealant), the canvas goes all the way up to the top of the tank so no-one can jump over and no-one can sneak under cause the canvas is kept in place with the gravel. Everyone is happy and my VT is happy cause he is blowing bubbles which he never did before :lol:

I don't use any other filter cause of the problem with too much water movement for the long finned boys, and the uplifts are around 3 inches above the water level so it falls rather than pushes it's way in the tank like an electronic filter does causing too much water movement.

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