Hyperactive Young Bn


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
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About 3 weeks ago I got a young BN to go into by community tank. At the moment he's bit over 1.5" in total length, but growing at a reasonable rate, and is extremely active! I'd assumed that BN's were going to be relatively nocturnal, or just not so active during the day, but this little fellow just sometimes doesnt stop and is very active all day! Quite a few times a day i catch him literally swimming laps around the outside of the tank glass, sucking and swimming incredibly fast. Other times he doe just chill out, which I thought was more normal behavior.

Tank is 29 gals, part gravel, part sand substrate, quite large entwined piece of bog wood + other small bits, small cave/tube for bn to take cover in but he never does,and its partly planted. Fully matured & good water peramiters - ph slightly higher than perfect - 7.5

I've just been wondering if this kinda behavior is normal, or is something up with him? He seems absolutely fine with other inhabitants in the tank (dwarf gouramis, panda corrys, neons + xray tetra, shrimp) and has no problem getting his food with the others around (swims backwards barging the others from the algae wafer) so is he just a hyperactive youngster who loves to adventure about the tank! :look:

I changed the substrate today (not for BN's benefit) to all sand, and all other fish are quite subdued, but he's still there doing fast laps of the tank sides! Is he just not settled or what? :unsure:
If he is eating fine and not seeming in discomfort(apart from being a lit hyper)then I wouldnt worry.My home bred bristles never seem to stop.Their mother is quite active(also home bred and I have had her since she was little)but the father I got already large and hes very shy.
Plenty of action from my bristlies too, both big and small, and they're certainly not nocturnal, at least not in the sense of not being around in the day.
Ah ok thanks all for the replies, has put my mind at rest!

Yeah he's eating fine, likes to reverse himself onto the algea wafers barging off the corrys and shrimp, and doens't seem distrested in any sort of way.

His laps of the tank sides must just be a phase, he'll wear himself out soon :)

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