Hydro 300w External Heater


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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Question says it all anyone got one of these Heaters on 12/16mm tubing I did a search and found the fittings were 5/8" which is just under 16mm. If I don't get a reply I will probably just order it anyway. I am a great believer in vaseline.lol. Or if all else fails just some 16mm tubing and a couple of reducing fittings should do the job.

Would like to hear if anyone else has managed though and how easy it was.

Cheers guys.
Hi my tubing is only 12mm. The 16mm is the external diameter. However I found a fitting for my fluval filter that is for 16mm tubing and after an lot of fiddeling about managed to squeeze the 12mm tubing on so all should be fine, thanks for the help.
If you are using the NON ridged pipe, put the end in some boiling water for a few seconds, bet it'll fit easily !
Thanks rooster I had hoped it would be that simple, sadly it wasn't 4mm is obviously a much bigger stretch than you imagine. So after about and hour of scolding my fingers and covering everything with valsine I found a method which acctually worked and it was so simple. I found a filter funnel in the kitchen covered it with valsaline then softened the tube. I then pushed the tube right the way up. When I removed it and hour later it fitted the 16mm fitting perfectly :good:

Sounds stupid but it worked which is the main thing.

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