Hydra Attack, Hercules Needed


New Member
Nov 2, 2008
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My community tank has suddenly burst with tons of hydras dividing fast. I'm not sure what to do. Help, please! It's the FW community listed in my signature. It has newts, so I can't do copper.
I'd do nothing :).
I find hydra interesting, they are harmless to everything but fry. Fish generally eat them anyway, curious yours don't -_- .

Cant really recommend any meds to use, if you really don't like them, cut back on feeding a little and the fish should take care of them, or just squish them wit something.
Hydra are a type of freshwater coelenterate related to marine anemones. They are usually found in ponds, but are sometimes introduced with plants or livefoods.

Hydra are predators and usually feed upon small zooplankton like Daphnia. Their bodies and tentacles are equipped with tiny harpoon-like stinging cells called nematocysts with which they spear passers-by. They rarely do large fishes any harm, but can sting and catch very small ones.

Hydra are sensitive to copper, so you can eradicate them with a copper-based disease medication. They tend to thrive in dirty tanks.

I'd suggest moving your newts to a hospital tank while you treat the community tank with the copper-based medication. The only way to remove copper from the aquarium is with EDTA (a chelating agent) and water changes. Use a copper test kit and when the copper is gone, reintroduce your newts.
Why? Seems a lot to go through because they don't like the look of them :crazy: .

Especially when they are something fish eat. Get some more small fish, stop feeding for a few days, or both.

I want some hydra, my fish found the ones I introduced :(.
They tend to thrive in dirty tanks.

My quarantine tank is blooming with hydra :grr: and the tank is spotless (Stripped down 2 weeks ago and fully cleaned) Hydra must of been on the filter media or something as that was the only thing that wasnt cleaned so i think they tend to thrive in clean tanks :D

I was advised to use this:
Flubendozole 5% powder will eradicate Hydra in an instant.

or fluke tabs.

Ill let you know how i get on (im trying to rid of them as my corys have started to spawn & cos i dont like the look of them :fun: :D )
That wasn't a personal attack, you know.. it was just a quote from a website. No need to get snippity.

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