Hydor Mini Heater Or A Thermostat One?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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Sydney, Australia
hey, just a fairly simple question about heating. I have a 3.3 gal divided tank, which at the moment is unheated, due to it being summer here and room temp not dropping below 20 (if that).
However I'm looking to buy a heater as in about 2 months time the ambient temp will start dropping.

I'm not sure whether I should get the 7.5w mini, or a 50w thermostat controlled mini glass heater (these are my only 2 options - betta supplies are hard to find in australia.)

During winter the room temp can go down to about 12°C, so I'm wondering if the mini heater would still keep the water warm enough?
Then, on the other hand, i'm worried the 50W might heat the tank up too much, even with the thermo control on?
Personally, I'd spring for a more expensive heater with a control knob. I have a friend with a Hydor, and she says that she gets lots of temperature fluctiations which are generally broader than 10 degrees Fahrenheight, while using it. I know I have the same 50 watt in my tank, and experience none (or, observe none, whichever).

*edit, I meant to say, I have the All-Glass brand 50watt in my 5 gallon tank, and my temperature seems to be quite stable.
How could it be summer in december?

The southern hemispheres seasons are opposite of us (the northern hemisphere)

I would get the all glass one as well, the 25w is rated for a 5 gal tank so I dont think a 3.5 is much different. The 25w all glass one I have on my 5 gal tank and keeps the water temp just fine
I don't have a Hydor, but I do have a 7.5 Jr heater..and it keeps my tanks at a steady 80 degrees. You might think there isn't much difference in a 3 gal and a 5 but there really is. I think I woudl try it out for atleast a few days, before adding any fish, to make sure the temp doesn't creep up on you..if you decide to go that route.

Think about it this way...I have 3 gallon tanks..this 7.5 keeps them at 80 degrees..if I were to put that same heater in a 1 gallon tank..the fish would probably be boiled.
If you do decide to go with the 7.5w, do as suggested. Test it out for a few days without fish in the water, or keep a watchful on the themometer. I used one on a 2.5 gallon. The temp without was usually around 75 F (23-24 C). I added the heater, shot up to 80-81 F (26-27 C), and held pretty steady. Not bad. But I did notice that during the day, or when we ran the house heat, that it crept up higher. Since it doesn't have a temp control, I pulled the heaters and only plug them in when I know the house temps will go low enough to need them. If you dont' want to take the chance or spend the time experiementing, go for one with temperature control.

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