Hydor Koralia And Wave Maker


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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I have 3 maximjet powerheads on a wavemaker power adaptor that turns the heads on \ off at different times. Can you still use the power adaptor with the Koralia, I'm not sure if you need to keep these running continuosly.

Many thans

nope, it would be loud and the pump will probably fail on you (motor dies) within a few months.

You gotta get the wavemakers that are made for them.
Many thanks Musho,

After I had posted I noticed the simular posting at the bottom of the page and a oldish posting covered the topic, but still many thanks for the advice which is more or less what the older thread posted. Serves me right for not searching before hand :good:
If you want wavemaking motion with the Koralias the only commercially available solution is the Seio Multicontroller.
If you want wavemaking motion with the Koralias the only commercially available solution is the Seio Multicontroller.

Not unless you have one of the new koralias, then you can use the wavemaker that is made for them. (a rip off though but it wont void your warranty like the seio would).
True, those new DC motored koralias are nice, too bad the purchase of their controller requires the signing over of your first born child...

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