Hydor Flo

I've used one since setting up my Nano in January and have been really happy with it. I positioned it under the returns for the filter compartment pump so it will cross the streams and it seems to do well at keeping water moving in the tank as well as stirring up the surface.
I have a whole section in my thread on Hydor flo and how to mount them in a Nano Cube. SH
Many thanks SH,
I have a whole section in my thread on Hydor flo and how to mount them in a Nano Cube
Please give me the link
Page thirteen, by the way.

Has anyone used the new Hydor Koralia Powerheads? Do they work well?
Are they made by the same people as the Hydor Flos?
Hydor Koralias are pretty new so really long-term use hasn't really said anything about their reliability. A month or two ago they had a bad manufacturing run of pumps that lead to stray voltages in tanks. The bad ones have all been recalled, but all the ones made properly seem to be functioning well.

As a bit of a historical note, when Seio first launched its powerheads they had a simialr manufacturing defect (I think theirs was technically bad motor windings). Once fixed though they've become reliable pumps....

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