Hydor Ario Turbo Air Pump


Feb 20, 2007
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Does anyone have a Hydor Ario Turbo Air Pump? I was thinking of getting one for my new freshwater tank. What you think if it and has anyone got any pictures of it in their tank?
I've got one, just re-switched it back on today although mine is only the basic version without the coloured lights, sorry. :sad:

Good bit of kit as far as the air-pump bit of it is though, you can't see it in my tank because I hide it under large pebbles at the back of the tank. It's really quiet aswell becuase there is no pump sitting ouside the tank. I have seen the ones with the lights in various LFS displays and I think the red ones look the best. Very good for a catfish tank.
Thanks for replying :good: Was going to get a normal air pump with a bubble wall but I might get one of these instead.

Anyone got the light version?
Anyone got the light version?

I have got the blue one. It is really quiet and looks great with the tank lights out in the evening and my cories love swimming up and down the bubbles. :good:

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