Hydor Ario Aerator - Ario 1


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi there, I bought this gizmo on impulse for my new tank setup. Its running, but last night it ran almost totally quiet, to day its not so quiet... Is this thing something delicate I'm going to have to constantly repair/clean? if so it kinda sucks, as it lives 'under' the gravel....
When I worked in an LFS we had one in one of the tanks. Never had any problems with it. I think you are experiencing problems because it's under the gravel..
hmmm apparantly its supposed to be? according to the instructions anyway...

heres a pic of the setup in progress...

Hmmm good point, checking now...

No not touching glass or rocks.... but its still running fine, just not as 'quiet' as the label suggested perhaps...

Yeah the one with the suckers... checked all the components, etc. just a bit wary of pulling it back up, because of the sand...
I heard they sometimes do that when the motor has burnt out. Has it been run dry?
Mine makes a noise when somethings stuck in it, I know you have sand so I'm not sure what could be stuck, but you know the rim where the bubbles come out, check there's nothing stuck in there, like a piece of wood or something
i have one of these, i have stuck it in a volcano. (thats a different story. pain in the ass) it dose hum a bit but nothing to bad. before i put it in there it was quiet, i found i needs to be in a place where it's held in firmly and make sure that nothing is in the blades as some else has surgested.
Thanks all!

Yeah its finally settled down now :> I wont be buying another one, but it can stay in while it works, then get replace by a good old air stone/line etc.

Thanks all!

And boy that sponge gets gunked up quick dont it!

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