Hybrid Orange Blotch Peacock Chiclid


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
Williamsburg, Virginia
Recently, I've got some new stock due to when one of my barbs tragically died. Listening to a friend who knows a tad more about african chiclids than me, I purchased a hybrid orange blotch (OB) peacock chiclid. According to my friend, peocock chiclids are terrortorial but not aggresive and more on the peaceful side and friendly towards smaller tank mates and won't bother my rock shrimp. It is a small juvinile.
Peacocks are generally peaceful by cichlid standards, they do need rockwork to stake out their territories, but are unlikely to terrorize any faster moving fish. However, they are carnivores, and if they can catch them will probably eat your shrimp. If your shrimp is too big to fit in it's mouth (not sure how large rock shrimp are), he may leave it alone or pick at it. I'd suggest watching them closely and removing either the OB or the shrimp if there are problems.

More information on peacocks in general: [URL="http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/peacock_corner.php"]http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/peacock_corner.php[/URL]

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