Husband humour


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Oct 6, 2019
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Hope everyone’s well.

So today I did a huge water change and as I was filling up the buckets from the sink one after the other I could smell chlorine. So I did the usual prime in every bucket before refilled the tank. Anyways I went on with the day and I went down to see husband as he’s rebuilding the back outdoor stairs. So I helped him clean and went and refilled Ruby’s water bucket and again smelt the chlorine and I said “ they must of dosed the town water again as I can smell the chlorine”? Well he started “oh no not my poor little babies, can’t have chlorinated water in there tank” blah blah and I said“No that’s why I prime, it removes it before it goes in my babies tank” Well I got the big eye roll and the “oh my god those bloody fish get treated so much better then me”! :rofl:
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I got offered a contract at work the other week and I was telling him about it and told him I advised that my husband had lost his job so I would like to work some more hours blah blah blah. Well the next day my led light went in the tank so I went and brought a new one.. I come home and he asked how much it was? I said it was just over a hundred but it was a good one. He replied with so when you told your boss I lost my job, did you tell him you need more hours to support your fish habit! :rofl:
I got offered a contract at work the other week and I was telling him about it and told him I advised that my husband had lost his job so I would like to work some more hours blah blah blah. Well the next day my led light went in the tank so I went and brought a new one.. I come home and he asked how much it was? I said it was just over a hundred but it was a good one. He replied with so when you told your boss I lost my job, did you tell him you need more hours to support your fish habit! :rofl:
My wife thinks I spend more time caring for my fish than spending time with her. She had no sense of humor when I told her I was thinking of buying her an aquarium for her birthday-she did not laugh when I told her I was only joking. :dunno:
Rolling On The Couch Laughing
My wife thinks I spend more time caring for my fish than spending time with her. She had no sense of humor when I told her I was thinking of buying her an aquarium for her birthday-she did not laugh when I told her I was only joking. :dunno:

Im so glad you are in the same predicament as me!! They just don’t understand
When hubby was looking in the tank one day he saw handsome Kevin my albino bristlenose and he goes “damn son you need a shave“! I said “who are you talking about” and he points at him and goes “that one there that needs a Mack3 he’s ugly”. My eldest girl and I both looked at each other and go “oh no you did not just call handsome Kevin ugly”!? His face was priceless of course with the big eye roll :rofl:
When hubby was looking in the tank one day he saw handsome Kevin my albino bristlenose and he goes “damn son you need a shave“! I said “who are you talking about” and he points at him and goes “that one there that needs a Mack3 he’s ugly”. My eldest girl and I both looked at each other and go “oh no you did not just call handsome Kevin ugly”!? His face was priceless of course with the big eye roll :rofl:
That's priceless!:rofl:
My family doesn't understand either.
When I first started my betta tank, and decided I wanted lots of plants, I told my parents I needed some fertilizer. They asked what for, and I said for the plants. It took me half an hour to convince them that aquarium plants need fertilizer.
Something similar happened when I said I wanted to buy some frozen brineshrimp for my fish. They asked why my fish needed frozen food when they were perfectly happy with pellets. I explained to them that fish need more than just the same dry food every day, and I got the classic "you're so weird but we love you" eye roll. My fish got their brineshrimp, but I still get eye rolls every time I prepare them. :rofl:
My family doesn't understand either.
When I first started my betta tank, and decided I wanted lots of plants, I told my parents I needed some fertilizer. They asked what for, and I said for the plants. It took me half an hour to convince them that aquarium plants need fertilizer.
Something similar happened when I said I wanted to buy some frozen brineshrimp for my fish. They asked why my fish needed frozen food when they were perfectly happy with pellets. I explained to them that fish need more than just the same dry food every day, and I got the classic "you're so weird but we love you" eye roll. My fish got their brineshrimp, but I still get eye rolls every time I prepare them. :rofl:
Ask your parents how they would like it if they just could only eat cereal at every meal.
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