Hi I don't know if this is the right forum but this forum is on my tapa talk once regarding a danio and although I wouldn't say my tank is tropical I'm freaking out and have gone to the first fish forum I know
So my bf fed our 6 danios this morning every thing was fine when he left at 9. I was 3 hours away and drove home today I got in at 4pm.
I went to do a fish head count as soon as I got in because that's my routine I'm a paranoid fish owner. I've had my danios since August no issues.
Anyway Sayge, my only long finned zebra danio was nowhere to be seen. I scanned the tank in a panic and saw she was floating at the bottom of the tank next to this stupid mermaid ornament. She wasn't currently stuck in it but there is kind of a hole in the ornaments design and I think she had been stuck there. Sayge has previously been stuck in another which I threw out and I discovered her pretty quickly during that incident and she was fine. I kept the stupid mermaid because I thought the hole was large enough but I don't think it was.
Anyway my heart was pounding and I thought she was dead. I pulled the mermaid ornament out and she kind of floated in the tank I thought she was dead I was so shocked and freaking out. I ran out the room and calmed down and went back in and I saw she was breathing! I immediately put her in this tiny handheld tank thing I've got and called my mum. She told me to add some salt and little minced garlic and she should start swimming. She's been in there now for almost two hours and she isn't swimming but she's trying to every so often. Her tail looks kind of bent and her right fin looks less able to move but physically OK whereas her left side fin seems to have more movement but at the base it looks cut. Her scales on her sides look all roughed up which makes me think she was stuck and she's managed to free herself but I don't know what to do. She's breathing and tries to swim every so often and I can see she does have movement in all fins and tail when she tries.
Does anybody please have any advice? Should I put her back in the actual tank?
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So my bf fed our 6 danios this morning every thing was fine when he left at 9. I was 3 hours away and drove home today I got in at 4pm.
I went to do a fish head count as soon as I got in because that's my routine I'm a paranoid fish owner. I've had my danios since August no issues.
Anyway Sayge, my only long finned zebra danio was nowhere to be seen. I scanned the tank in a panic and saw she was floating at the bottom of the tank next to this stupid mermaid ornament. She wasn't currently stuck in it but there is kind of a hole in the ornaments design and I think she had been stuck there. Sayge has previously been stuck in another which I threw out and I discovered her pretty quickly during that incident and she was fine. I kept the stupid mermaid because I thought the hole was large enough but I don't think it was.
Anyway my heart was pounding and I thought she was dead. I pulled the mermaid ornament out and she kind of floated in the tank I thought she was dead I was so shocked and freaking out. I ran out the room and calmed down and went back in and I saw she was breathing! I immediately put her in this tiny handheld tank thing I've got and called my mum. She told me to add some salt and little minced garlic and she should start swimming. She's been in there now for almost two hours and she isn't swimming but she's trying to every so often. Her tail looks kind of bent and her right fin looks less able to move but physically OK whereas her left side fin seems to have more movement but at the base it looks cut. Her scales on her sides look all roughed up which makes me think she was stuck and she's managed to free herself but I don't know what to do. She's breathing and tries to swim every so often and I can see she does have movement in all fins and tail when she tries.
Does anybody please have any advice? Should I put her back in the actual tank?
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