Hundreds Of Tiny Alive Brown Dots With Red On Them


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2006
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Went away on holidays for 2 weeks and since I've come back I have hundreds of tiny<pin head size> brown dots with red on them that move around the glass and sand, Can anyone tell me what they are and how to get rid of them?
Thanking you in advance
Anyway you can be more descriptive or offer a pic? :)

This looks like em, any idea of how to rid them?
Just read up on them, and see increasing flowrate in the tank should help rid them pests
ooh nasty flatworms huh? Actually you can use a simple biologic control on these pests ;). Almoast all flasher and fairy wrasses will eat them. My sump is actually littered with flatworms, but there isn't a single one left alive in the display tank with wrasses :good:
ooh nasty flatworms huh? Actually you can use a simple biologic control on these pests ;). Almoast all flasher and fairy wrasses will eat them. My sump is actually littered with flatworms, but there isn't a single one left alive in the display tank with wrasses :good:
Might pick up a wrasses tomorrow
Problem seems to be sorting its self out, almost all them are gone, still a few on the rock, none visable on the glass or sand anymore.
done a 20litre water change everyday for the last 3days and repositioned my nano streams

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