Humphead Glassfish


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2006
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Im a big glassfish fan, and just recently I have space for some humpheads! I have yet to seen them available in any LFS or online. My LFS has said that they could get 3 inchers for $20 a piece. Does this sound like a good price or should I shop around til I find it cheaper? And anyone that would like to post any pics of theirs feel free!
Hey there,

I'd say it's a good price. I'm in the UK and I've only ever seen them for sale at Wildwoods (probably the best shop in the UK) they were on sale for about 12-14 pounds (around $20) if I remember correctly, although they were sizeable specimens. I'd say go for it! How big's your tank?
The tank is 40 US gallons planted heavily. Fish include 7 cories, a pair of german rams, and 6 pencil-fish.
Tank's probably just about big enough but I wouldn't trust fully grown humpheads with your pencilfish as the former have pretty big mouths.


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