Humph - Humped back puffer


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Co. Durham, UK
Hi Guys

Got some sad news about hump- He died a few weeks back, he was doing really really well, was active and happy. We had gone out one morning and then when we got back(we had only been out about 2 Hours ) he was dead, the onl;y explanation i can think of is that he puffed while we were out and had got wedged while puffed. Bless him :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:
OMG! Exactly the same happened to my palembang today.......came back and he was puffed stuck behind an ornament dead

I'm sorry for your loss, my puff was my favourite puff ever!! :byebye:
thats a real shame, such a beautiful species.

did u manage to get pics before the incident?

post them up id love 2 see him or her.

what size tank was it? :alien:

I'm totally gutted as well, he was ace and had such a character about him. we'd had ours about a year and he was thriving. How long had you had yours?

Hi Blackfin

I previously had some photo's up i'll search for them and post them in the photo section.

Humph was around 4 inches and was in a 2 ft tank but we were just about to upgrade to a temp three footer before he died.

Thanks for the kind words

that really sucks, but the important thing is 2 move on and get a puffer just as good as hm....and take pics :D
I had him for about 8 months............I went to the store I got him from to replace him, but they had some Tetradon Abei , awesome puffers they look and behave like green spotted puffs but have red spots on a dark brown body. I got them instead :*) I will post some piccies soon
Oooh, never heard of those, bennet, I'm off to do some research on them to see what they look like and so forth. Heh, I know SHELL has some pictures, because I bullied her into taking some! :p
Puffer_freak said:
Oooh, never heard of those, bennet, I'm off to do some research on them to see what they look like and so forth. Heh, I know SHELL has some pictures, because I bullied her into taking some! :p

Hi PUFFER Freak, the pic are still up i n the photo gallery if you fancy another peek. RIP wee man!!

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