If you can get a copy of next month's Practical Fishkeeping, I've got a fairly detailed article on these and other glassfish kept in aquaria. Glassfish have generally not been kept well.
In a nutshell, you should be aware of these issues:
1. They're not brackish water. Need soft to moderately hard, slightly acidic or neutral water, lots of oxygen, low nitrates. Repeat: these are not brackish water fish.
2. They're schooling fish but are also rather aggressive towards one another when kept in too small a group. Ideally keep at least six, but if you can only afford three or four, then only keep a single male. Males have bigger humps.
3. They're piscivorous. All the larger glassfish will eat smaller fish. Don't believe they are eating flake until you've seen them do it: I have yet to see any glassfish eat flake foods. My Indian glassfish don't even like frozen bloodworms! While you should be able to wean humpheads to frozen foods eventually, don't bank on it.
4. They don't tolerate sudden changes in water chemistry. This goes for all glassfish actually, but with humphead glassfish, you don't want to take any chances. Get decent pH and hardness test kits -- and use them! Definitely don't keep them in a 'young' tank that doesn't have a mature filter.