It depends how big your tank is. Anything under 20 gallons you may as well forget it if you were thinking of a fish.
You could keep shrimp with a Betta though. Ghost shrimp are nice and easy to care for, they will eat pretty much anything ( or at least have a go ) and are great little characters.
It probably can be done, but I and the main consensus on this forum wouldn't. Bettas are very aggressive, especially males.
Don't think he's lonely, betta are solitary fish.
Alot depends on thetemperament of the male too. My Prince won't have anything else in his tank and attacks but Royal Stud is quite happy with the bristle nose and coreys and doesn't take any notice at all.
depends on the particular fish some like tank mates amd some will kill any thig else.. i have heard of people keeping mystry snails,, ghost shrimp, african dwarf frogs and the tiny kind of pocosomus,, little alge suckers,,, but.................... my females even killed all 5 of my snails,, u could try it but be ready to waste some money on a fish if ur fighter likes to be a lone wolf.......
a lot of people try corys with their bettas, if you do just keep in mind you may have to seperate them. Also if you have a 20 long say instead of a 20 high or something, it gives them more room to have their own space.
"Touch wood"! We haven't had any problems
In various male tanks we have cory's, Oto's and a baby bristlenose plec. One of the VT's very occasionally chases an Oto, but they're way to quick for him I probably wouldn't risk it with Diesel my plakat, he quite a fiesty little thing