Human Fish Oil Tablets


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
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fish need omega-3s the same way we need oxygen, so while im eating my fish oil tablets i wonder if i could dissolve the tablet and soak fish food in it? It seems like an easier way for me to deliver omega-3 fatty acids to the fish without the use of selcon.
It may be possible, though you would want to look at the contents of what we consume to what the fish consume and see if you aren't massively overdosing of something.

Also, they need oxygen like we need oxygen, not Omega3. The two things are used for completely different processes.
It may be possible, though you would want to look at the contents of what we consume to what the fish consume and see if you aren't massively overdosing of something.

Also, they need oxygen like we need oxygen, not Omega3. The two things are used for completely different processes.
improper analogy i know but it wasnt meant to be taken seriously, (just as a forewarning, this is an example, so if this will confuse you, dont read any further) something like someone saying, im so hungry, i could eat a horse, which is completely absurd but generally accepted to be said with the public.

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