Hugent Infomation Of A 'celebes Halfbeak'


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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O.k I have a well established guppy tank started breeding awhile ago about 10 months ago. I went along to the fish shop as my tank needed more intresting fish in it. THEY said that the celebes halfbeak would live peacefully with guppy and not bother them. I think my celebes halfbeak is a male and he is about 5cm long tonight about tweny muintes after this I found a dead 5cm female guppy! crooked back who was fine 20mins ago. :crazy: :-(

All water stats normal
size of tank 55l
Don,t think they would eat the adults but would certainly enjoy any babies they might find.
Thats is fine but would this growen guppy (female) been killed by it or would the stress of the male have don it?
Thanks :rolleyes:
Its a strong possibility that the male guppies could have stressed the female and caused it

What is your M:F ratio?
I wouldn't think it was the halfbeak, more likely harassed to death by males, Deano's right, need to know m:f ratio. Halfbeaks will eat baby guppies but they aren't particulaly aggressive enough just to kill for no reason - he can't eat it if it's the same size as itself - they can be a bit mean to each other but generally are skitty rather than nasty. Was the female guppy an adult when you got her? and how long did you have her? it could just be old age.

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