Huge White Cloud


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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At first I was hesitant to put this under emrgencies but I finally decied to.

MY tank has nothing in it other than; substrate (pea gravel and laterite) heater, filter, and thermometer. All brand new.

My tank was perfectly fine until about 30 hours after setup with water.

A white cloud began to develop.

Came home from school, white cloud 2 times as bad, cannot see lenghtwise across aquarium, soon cannot see background.

I classify this as an emergency as my whole top floor of house is starting to stink. There will be real problems because I cannot open windows due to A/C and family going to be real mad if cannot have A/C cause of my aquarium. They were skeptical about getting one to begin with. Now this huge cloud just proves them right.
Did you wash the substrate? You should take it out and give it a good rinse in a bucket until the bucket is crystal clear. I believe cloudiness is normal in a new tank. My 10 gallon was cloudy for about 5 days but now it's crystal clear. Do a big water change if you have washed your gravel and see how it goes.
i agree with sheridanp. Make a water change, and you could also try for some Crystal Clear which has worked wonders for me before. Its in a little bottle with an orange cap. : / good luck.
Whoa, I have that Crystal Clear stuff. It doesn't work too good for me though. :/

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