Huge Fish stores?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2004
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JAGSonville, Florida
I live in Jacksonville Florida.

The LFS here sort of, well stink! I don't know if I am just crazy here or does this world have any fish stores that have a wide verity of fish? What do I mean by wide verity? Well I dream of a building like Pet smart I guess that has rows of tanks and supplies but only fish related. A place that you can find that rare fish or see what a fish looks like in real life and not by the internet or book. Ok, maybe Pet smart is a little big just for a fish store, but I don't think so.

A place you can find all sorts of rocks, sand or anything to do with fish.

My point, is there a fish store that has huge selections around Florida? Orlando, Tampa or Atlanta?
I know of one, it's not in Florida though, it's in PA. :/ However, they do have a website you can order from, they ship some live fish, but they haven't been online for too long so they don't have anywhere near what they have at the store, but they still have some good fish. The store itself is a warehouse of fish and pet stuff. Here' s the site. (sorry, can't do the hyperlink grr)
I live in Lake Mary which is near orlando. There are a few good LFS around here that have good selection of fish and equipment. If you tell me what kind of fish you are looking for I can tell you a good LFS to go to.
i told my hubby if we ever become millionaires i want to buy an aquarium like sea world but smaller and hand pick all the fish i want. It would be great cause i could have all the tanks i want plus a whole team to help take care of them. i would love to have a fish store too. i cant decide which would be better. hmm i smell a poll in the making.

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