Hows This Sound


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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a tetra only tank!
i already a 6 black neon tetras and 5 neon tetras

i was thinking about buying these to complete my tank
6 or 7 black phantom tetras
6 or 7 rummy-nose tetras
6 or 7 glowlight tetras
6 or 7 albino buenos aires tetras
6 or 7 cardinal tetras
1 pleco

i already have a dwarf puffer and 1 danio (i plan on buying 5 more)

would all the tetras just go into on big school or would they stay seperate. or would this even work
I wouldnt put a dwarf puffer in with all of those I had one in my tank and everythinghad a little bit missing from a fin or two. They nip alot and are best in species only tanks.
What size is the tank?
EDIT just read sig tank is 75G DUH!
Just personal preference, but I think that I would have half as many species but twice the number of each. It should work in a 75 gal.

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