

Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Colorado State University
Hi all, I am kind of a newbie. Ever since signing up back in October I've been meaning to formally introduced myself here, but just hadn't gotten around to it. I am here almost daily reading posts, I really like to look at your peoples information and experiences, for possible future fish that I might keep. I also enjoy your pictures and voting on them. I don't post too often because by the time I look at someones thread asking a question it's already answered and I'm a little worried about givin bad advice.
I've been fish keepin since I was 12 and am now 20. I love the hobby so much My major at CSU is fishery biology and would like to incorporate that somehow into exotics such as are involved with aquaiums. My main interest in fish are the south americans, especially discus and angels.
Recently I bought myself a digital camera and hope to sometime in the near future post some of my pics.
I'm sorry to hear about recent happenings here at the forum, I guess I missed out as I've been without internet for a couple of weeks due to moving.
Well, I'll leave this long greeting with how much I enjoy this forum for advice and getting to see everybody's fish.
:hi: Enjoy yourself! As you already know it is easy to become addicted to this forum. Alot of great advice from great people.
Hi dbollack :D

It's good to have you here. :thumbs:

Just start posting and before you know it, you'll be having lots of fun. ;)

BTW, have you checked out our General forum? It's just for fun and you couldn't give a wrong answer there, even if you tried! :lol:

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