How Would I Do This?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2008
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I have recently bought a small Pleco and was wondering how I would move my Pleco when I clean the tank?. Would I move him just like any other fish and put him with the rest in a holding tank while I clean the tank?

I also have a question about feeding him. I bought Hikari algae wafers and my Molly fish seems to find the wafer when I feed him. I also know Plecos are nocturnal feeders and I turn the tank light off during the day and turn it on at night. Would he think it is night when the lamp is off and how would I keep the Molly from eating the wafer?
just a couple of questions .... why do u remove the fish when cleaning the tank ?? and why do you turn lights out in the day and then on at nite?? as for feeding the algae wafers feed when lights are out the plec will find them and you could put things like corgette and cucumber in he/she will love it :)

(To answer your question about the lights) The tank is in my room, and the only time I am in my room is when I go to sleep. I do not like to sleep in the dark.

*Maybe I should be asking, do I move my Pleco while cleaning the tank?
you do not need to remove any of the fish while cleaning the tank , i think thats what is confusing people
what size is your tank and why do you remove the fish when cleaning it ?
do you have a filter ?
I clean my tank with all the fish in as do a lot of others , i do weekly gravel vacs as part of the water change which is 20 - 30% alternating weeks , if i do get any algae i have an algae scraper .

Let us know what you do so we can understand your cleaning regime

Thanks Sarah xx
My tank is a 16 gallon bowfront aguarium. I have a Tetra Whisper 10-30i filter.

I take the fish out everytime I clean the aquarium so that it is easier for me to take out the plants and decor to clean the algae off of them. I also thoroughly clean my aquarium which is another reason why I take the fish out. I personally think that leaving my fish in the tank while I clean will stress them out. Now that I have a Pleco, I am unsure of what to do, so that I do not stress him out.
If you keep the lights on for about 8 hours, and your pleco is one of the more algae eating variety, you shouldnt have to scrub all of the ornaments in such a voracious manner!

However, if you want to clean the ornaments still, simply siphon some of your tank water into a bucket and remove your ornaments to scrub outside of the tank, then your not stressing your fish moving them about every week.

If you gravel vac and wipe the glass on the inside in a slow and steady manner im sure you wont stress your fish out too much, it dosent seem to upset my discus so much!

However, one word of advice, if your taking your ornaments out, check that your plec isnt inside of them, as some species love to wedge themselves inside little nooks and crannies.

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