How Too Sex Cory's

If you view them from above, Female's are generally a lot plumper than the Male's, it can be difficult with Cory's as most species exhibit little if no sexual dichromatism or dimorphism.
From what i read i can only find that there bigger than the males. But that can mean nothing :p

Thanks mate. Just got 6 Peppered today. Didnt ask for specific sex's so just trying to figure out what i have of what. :D
With 6 it's highly likely that you've got both Male's and Female's, are your intentions to breed them?
The females in my group of peppered are generally a little more plump and sit at a slight angle on the bottom when they are chilling, nose pointing up, while the males are a little smaller and sit near flat on the substrate. Some corys also show differing strengths of colouration with the ligher ones being male (i think). Dont quite me on that though, i read that somewhere but couldnt possibly say where :D
No my intentions arent too breed them. Although it would be nice too have some fry. But just want too know what my ratio is. I like too know whats what in my tank :)
it is quite hard to sex them but when you find eggs in your tank well your lucky lol :nod:
The one that lays the eggs is the female. :rolleyes:
haha :D i like it. I hope i do get some eggs. But im not trying too.
Since you aren't looking to breed, I would say that unless you see some strange behavior, like aggression (not that I've ever heard of such a thing from cories) I wouldn't worry about it. Even if you have a nice mix of gender (2m for every f) there is still no guarantee that they will breed. No worries. Just keep an eye on them and you might see the differences mentioned above. If not, don't let that spoil your enjoyment of them. They are an excellent fish and usually highly active.
Hi mattbleasby :)

The best I can do is show you a picture:


These are long finned C. paleatus but they have the same shape so you can compare them to your corys. The two big ones are females and there are several males as well. You can see they are thinner and smaller the the females. With some cory species, the males and females are similar in size but with these peppered corys, there is usually a substantial difference, at least when they are mature.

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