How to...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
SPokane, Washington
I got a pleco and its been going around my tank and suckin all the algea but ive been trying to feed it lettiuce, ive got a bunch of peices in there but im not sure he has gotten any(he or she i dont know), any help on how to feed with lettiuce would help.

Thanx in advance
Hello from the South Hill. :D I'd guess the pleco will go for the algae first. Did you blanch your lettuce to soften it?
It sounds like ur trying to feed him pieces of lettuce?
Try attaching a whole leaf to a stone w/ a rubber band (or weight it down another way), or they also sell veggie clips at lfs. This way they can hang on the leaf and 'graze'. :rolleyes:. Should find a lacey remnant in the morn. :)
Skip the lettuce, it has very little nutritional value. If you are worried about your pleco getting enough vegie matter get some algae waffers. If you are feeding your fish a quality flake food your pleco will also eat that and you could put in algae wafers for a treat. Also, some species of plecos like more meat in their diet and don't eat much vegie matter.
Algea wafers are good and plecs love em. I also feed mine cucumber and lettuce.

They may have little nutritional benefits but the fish cant get enough of it!!

As stated veggie clips are a good idea. :blink:
I feed all my plecs cucumber. simply cut a slice about 1.5" thick and attach a plant weight to keep it from floating round the tank.

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