How To Utalize Java Moss With Breeding?


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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I previously asked other breeding options for my danios because i tried to seperate the females in another tank with marbles at the bottom but they started attacking the marbles and trapping themselves. luckily both of the danios are still alive even from being trapped.

I was told that if i used java moss i could use that as protection for the eggs.

My question is how to utalize the moss in breeding the danios. I have no idea how to breed them without a breeding tank.

my other concern is that i have some dwarf frogs and they like to hide in the moss.

So how should i go about breeding them. do i use a tank devider? help please.

thank you
I don't have danios, but I do use moss.

Moss can be tied to something--a rock, a drift wood, a decore or wraped around most anything. and let to do its thing.

I have guppys and galaxies and soon some minnows and swordtails. The fry hide in the moss. You need a good group of it. The frogs and adults will all go in the moss and will ge some of the fry, but some will e fast enough and smart enough to escape any threats.

The moss will grow fast enugh if you get a clump and have lite. It will also grow in almost no light.
Hope this helps.

BTW the galaxies are reputed tp eat their eggs and their fry, but I have a little group swimming around without any help from me that survived using hair algse and moss.

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