How to transport fish home...


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
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On tuesday of this week I'll be getting my Web burr puffer and Dwarf lionfish for my new marine set-up. The 'not-so LFS' where I'll be getting my new fish is an hour away from me. I was wondering how I would be able to transport the fish...

1- without loosing oxygen in the bag and water.
2- without becoming stressed from the car ride.

Thanks in advance!
As for the largest bags they have. The put these in paper, not plastic, bag. Take a cardboard box or insulated cooler. Then put the fish bags in either the paper bag, box, or cooler so they are "in the dark". One hour is no problem at all.
Tell the lfs you are going to be transporting them that far, and to pack them accordingly. Then put them in a styrofoam cooler. A call ahead might also reveal that the store has insulated shipping boxes for sale/giveaway.

I regularly transport fish 3 to 5 hours this way.

also for a longer ride you can also ask for oxygen to be added to the bag. not sure if its necessary for a 1 hr ride but you never know if some unplaned stop my happin.
just be carfull adding oxygen as this can sometimes be detrimental. when fish are imported, they spend hors in bags going from the holdingstation in say, the maldives to the airport, all throught the flight into the airport at the other end and then in to the TMC (tropical marine centre) in england where they are all quarantined and then sold to the lfs's. so they can spend the best part of a day in just a small bag in a poly box. one hour will be no probs.

ste :)

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