How To Tell The Sex


Mar 7, 2007
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South Shields, UK
I read somewhere a while back and it didnt help me at all.

What are the differences to identify between male and female? Im obsessed with corys which is why i have 3 pandas, 4 peppers and 4 albinos.

One albino was swimming funny against the glass, and i got told they do that when breeding or getting ready to or something. Sometimes another would join in. Now im sat here watching 3 of my 4 albino corys swimming together in a pack near the top of the tank against the glass in the same place as the two were the other day.

I just assumed i had all males, is that likely? Or is possible i could have a mixture. Temperature is 24/25 oC if that helps.

Im curious and would like to know if i have any females at all. Any help would be great.


Cory Lover :fun:
The female is bigger.
When you look at them from above... The male is thicker up at the head and chest part and gets thin down by the stomach. The female is thick in the stomach part too. The adult females get very wide chest and stomach area. It is very hard to tell them apart when they are small though.
Does that help?
yeah, I have 9 pandas and I've tried to sex them but some are just too small right now to sex. :D I can't wait :p
It is kind of like people. They are shaped pretty much the same when really young. Then at a certain age the female will start to fill out. :#

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